Start-With-Art helps kids in the Winchester community

Christmas has come early this year here in Winchester. The kids were able to meet and take pictures with Santa Claus himself. Charlene Kehoe, the founder of the non-profit organization Start-With-Art, hosted the event.
“Our goal is to teach children healthy coping skills through arts and crafts, as well as collaborate with other artists and small businesses within the community,” said Kehoe.
Start-With-Art started back in June. Over the course of the year, there have been about 40 classes, with 400 people participating. All of the money that was made at ‘Taking Pictures with Santa’ went back to art supplies for future classes. Kehoe also works with other nonprofits that give back to the kids of the community. Her reason for starting the program is her daughter, Avery Kehoe.
“I have a teenage daughter who struggles with mental health,” said Kehoe. “We had a conversation, and she told me that she wishes every child had a parent that would do arts and crafts like I did, and it turned into how it is now.”
Even though Start-With-Art was the one to put on the event, they had a little help to make it even more special. With Devin Jones taking photos, North Block Coffee hosted and gave out drinks during the event, and Jason Kindred, Papa Yule, was Father Christmas himself. Throughout the day, Father Christmas was meeting many children. He always listens attentively and does whatever he can to ensure every child is comfortable talking to him. Jason Kindred explains the reasons why he spreads joy through Start-With-Art.
“A long, long time ago, Santa used to work for the Indiana Department of Child Services, and he wanted to give back to the kids of his state that way,” says Kindred. “and he did that for a little while, and then he went back up to the North Pole and other stuff. He enjoys allowing kids to just be kids and have a good memory, a good core memory that they can take with them.”
Kehoe does whatever she can to make the kids in her community feel safe and loved. Start-With-Art is always looking for new volunteers and donations to help promote its goal of helping kids learn healthy coping skills through arts and crafts. With the help of the people within her community, Kehoe will continue to grow Start-With-Art and branch out to other communities whose kids would benefit from the use of art.
Contact Andie Zelaya with comments at [email protected].