Lead Paint Found In East Chicago Emergency Housing
Documents show that lead paint has been discovered outside nearly half of the emergency housing units for East Chicago residents of a lead contaminated housing complex.
Through a public records request, The Times of Northwest Indiana found evidence of lead paint on the exterior of nearly half of the 27 units. People moving into the units are moving out of the West Calumet Housing Complex, which is being demolished because of lead, arsenic, and other chemicals in the soil of the former lead smelting plant site.
The East Chicago Housing Authority says the paint hazards have been cleaned up and that the units are in compliance with U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development standards.
But the Sargent Shriver Center on Poverty Law, which represents some West Calumet residents, says the documents show “widespread noncompliance” with HUD regulations.
According to the Indiana Housing and Community Development Authority, 17 West Calumet families have moved into emergency transfer units.