Kroger Not Specific On Plan For Rebranding Marsh Stores

By Tony Sandleben, IPR News | Published on in Business, Local News
Signs advertise the "store closing sale" on McGalliard Road as Topvalco takes over control of 11 stores. (Photo: Terry Heifetz)

It’ll be another few weeks before Muncie knows the timeline for when two Marsh stores will be reopened with new Kroger branding and ownership.  Kroger spokesman Eric Halvorson says plans for the stores on McGalliard Road and Tillotson Avenue won’t be finalized until mid-July.

Halvorson spoke after Kroger unveiled its 20,000 square foot expansion of a store in Fishers.  He says a new Kroger task force will go to each newly purchased store to check the buildings conditions and come up with a vision for each store.


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