Enchanted Luminaria Walk Boasts New Features, But it Needs More Volunteers

By Mary Freda | Published on in Arts and Culture, Community, Entertainment, Local News

For two days out of the year, Minnetrista’s grounds are transformed into something out of a Hallmark movie.

Each year, the Enchanted Luminaria Walk features light displays, carriage rides and crafts for people in Muncie. The walk is free and open to the public.

The two-day event wouldn’t be possible without volunteers and Mary Zwickl, human resources assistant at Minnetrista, said they need more volunteers for Saturday night.

“When we have events, when we have them [for] two, three days, like Faeries, Sprites & Lights, Enchanted, Garden Fairies — it’s always one day, for whatever reason, it’s harder to get [volunteers],” said Zwickl, who has helped coordinate volunteers for the event for nearly decade.

Every night, the walk needs around 45 volunteers to keep stations running smoothly — and that doesn’t include those who help set up the lights before the event.

Zwickl said volunteers would need to arrive to the event 30 minutes before it starts. During the walk, they would need to be excited to be at the event, welcome the guest and talk to them. However, the main goal of the night is just to have a good time, she said.

Pat Armstrong, who has volunteered at Minnetrista for five years, said the event — along with Minnetrista — is beneficial to the community.

“It’s very special. It has all the different activities inside and outside and Minnetrista is a great thing for this community in so many ways and they have a good turnout,” Armstrong said. “I just enjoy the atmosphere, I enjoy the people I work with and it’s just a good thing for the community.”

Typically, Armstrong runs a craft station during the walk. However, her volunteer hours aren’t just dedicated to the two-day event. Over the last five years, she’s racked up 500 volunteer hours.

“They really need volunteers to make this work — that’s a big operation over there,” Armstrong said. “There’s an area for everyone to volunteer.”

The Enchanted Luminaria Walk will be from 6-9 p.m. Friday and Saturday. Those interested in volunteering can call Zwickl at 765-287-3530 or fill out an online form at www. minnetrista.net.

Mary Freda is a reporter for a Ball State University arts journalism class. 


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