Ball State Announces New CAP: INDY; Will Replace Indianapolis Center

Ball State University is moving the Indianapolis home of its architecture and planning program to the former Angie’s List campus. And, as IPR’s Stephanie Wiechmann reports, university officials say that new location will be home to much of Ball State’s Indianapolis activities.
Ball State says the masters degree programs in architecture and urban design have grown out of their current location at the Platform at City Market in Indianapolis. The school has signed a one-year renewable lease for a new site on North Pine Street, which used to be part of the Angie’s List operation.
In a statement, College of Architecture and Planning Dean Dave Ferguson says the new building has “the space, technology, and configuration Ball State CAP: INDY needs.”
Operations from Ball State’s Indianapolis Center will also be moved to Pine Street. The center opened on Meridian and Maryland in 2006. University spokeswoman Kathy Wolf says the lease for that space ended in June. She says the classes and activities at that location will merge with the new CAP: INDY.
Ball State also still operates a satellite center in Fishers, which opened in 2010.