Muncie Community Schools Changes Bus Service, Will Apply For State Loan

Muncie students will ride to school in different buses controlled by a different company in years to come. As IPR’s Stephanie Wiechmann reports, the district chose a carrier headquartered in Michigan instead of its long-time local bus service.
Superintendent Baule also asked for – and received – permission from the school board to apply for a state loan from the Distressed Unit Appeals Board. That board can give state dollars to school districts or local government units in dire circumstances. Several school corporations have asked for money in the last few years – the most recent being Gary Community Schools. In that case from a week ago, the state board gave out much less money than Gary asked for and said it could only be used to pay teachers and critical vendors, if the district could not get a bank loan first. Muncie administrators will now need to complete a lengthy application and the board’s process includes holding public hearings before making a decision.