Ivy Tech Strengthening Community Focus With Administrative Changes

Ivy Tech Community college will undergo administrative changes this summer aimed at making each campus more community focused, addressing needs expressed by campuses across the state.
Ivy Tech’s campuses currently serve students at a regional level, but going forward they will focus on specific towns.
Every campus will have leadership focused on the specific needs of the town the campus is located in. Academics and local partnerships will focus on the specific workforce needs of that community.
Ivy Tech President Sue Ellspermann says for example, rather than one campus serving both Muncie and Anderson, each location will focus on specific needs of that community.
“[We’ll] put even more focus into how we interact with K-12 and traditional students, as well as that adult workforce that we as a state need to come back and skill up to take on middle-skill jobs across Indiana’s economy,” Ellspermann says.
The changes do not mean additional or fewer jobs, and there will be no additional buildings constructed. The administrative changes will be completed by August 1.