Ball State University Proposes New Multicultural Center

Ball State University is planning a new campus multicultural center to replace an 80-year-old house where some university programs are currently housed.

Board members see a proposal for the multicultural center to be part of an “East Mall Enlargement Plan.” (Photo: Terry Heifetz)
Today, the university Board of Trustees heard a proposal that could see a building begin to be built in the summer or fall of 2019 at cost of $4 million. No location has officially been chosen for the building, but the plans propose adding it near Bracken Library and the Whitinger Business Bulding on the Muncie campus.
Ball State officials say the more than 10,000 square foot building could expand services for students. The school’s current multicultural center is a former residential house built in 1934. It is not easily accessible for students with disabilities.
The proposal also calls for the new building to have a small coffee shop or café and public areas for art displays and music performances.
According to Ball State data, enrollment of what the school calls “underrepresented minority” students has increased by almost 89 percent in the last decade.