Second Harvest Food Bank Resumes Delaware County “Tailgates” In New Place

Second Harvest Food Bank says it will continue handing out food twice a month in Delaware County after it has secured a new location to do so. As IPR’s Stephanie Wiechmann reports, the organization lost a longtime distribution point last month.

Second Harvest has offered a map on where to line up for future Delaware County tailgates. (Provided.)
This Thursday, Second Harvest Food Bank will stage its Delaware County “Tailgate” at the Muncie Mall, in a usually unused east side section of the mall’s parking lot off Granville Avenue near Outback Steak House.
Second Harvest says around 1,000 people line up in their cars for the bi-monthly food distribution. For years, the non-profit organization used a parking lot across from the former BorgWarner factory on Kilgore Avenue. But that stopped last month when a new owner took possession of the property.
Thursday’s Delaware County tailgate – like those in the future on the second and fourth Thursday of every month – will distribute food from 8:00 – 10:00 AM. At most tailgates, cars begin to line up hours before the start time.