More Indiana High School Students Are Earning College Credit

A recent state report shows that more Indiana high school students than ever are earning college credit.
The Indiana Commission for Higher Education says more than 60 percent of Hoosier high schoolers earned some college credit through dual credit programs and advanced placement courses. That’s up from 47 percent just four years ago.
Sean Tierney with the Commission says numbers show more high schoolers are also better prepared for college when the time comes.
“And we’ve also seen a significant decrease in the number of high school students who go straight to college needing remediation,” Tierney says. “Remediation is essentially, ‘are they prepared for college level courses?’”
Tierney says on-time college completion rates have also been increasing over time for both two- and four-year institutions.
But the percentage of high school students who go directly to college after high school graduation remains the same – 64 percent.