Holcomb Says No Choice But To Call For Attorney General’s Resignation

Gov. Eric Holcomb says he had no choice but to call for Attorney General Curtis Hill’s resignation.
That’s because Holcomb says he believes the four women who’ve accused Hill of groping them at a party in March.
“I felt I was left with no other option if I truly believe in a zero-percent tolerance for sexual harassment,” Holcomb says.
Hill’s lawyers Wednesday said Holcomb’s call for resignation was “pure hysteria.” The governor shrugged off those comments.
“I think I have a sense of humor but I wouldn’t describe myself as hysterical,” Holcomb says.
Holcomb says he first heard rumors about Hill’s alleged conduct in March but didn’t find out about the specific accusations until they were reported in the press earlier this month.
Curry Responds to Hill’s Lawyers’ Motions
Also today, Marion County Prosecutor Terry Curry says Hill was “plainly wrong” when he asked a court to block an investigation by the Inspector General and halt the appointment of a special prosecutor.
Hill’s attorneys asked a county judge not to appoint a special prosecutor after Curry, citing a conflict, asked for one. And they say the Inspector General doesn’t have the authority to investigate the allegations.
Read More: AG Curtis Hill Denies Allegations, Doesn’t Answer Questions
Legislative leaders and the governor asked for that investigation, which is underway.
In a court filing Thursday, Curry calls it a “dubious proposition” that someone merely suspected of a crime could challenge the authority of an investigating agency or the appointment of a special prosecutor.