Bosma Pledges Cooperation With Any Ethics Committee Investigation

House Speaker Brian Bosma (R-Indianapolis) says he’ll cooperate fully with any ethics investigation into accusations about his use of campaign funds to allegedly intimidate a former intern who says they had a sexual encounter two decades ago.
A former House Democratic intern says she had a sexual encounter with Brian Bosma more than 20 years ago. And she claims an attorney hired by Bosma this year harassed her friends and family in an effort to intimidate and discredit her.
House Democrats want an ethics investigation into Bosma’s use of campaign dollars for that attorney. Bosma says he’ll participate in any inquiry from the Ethics Committee.
“I’m going to cooperate in any way. They have some information in front of them,” Bosma says. “If they request more, they’ll receive more and we’ll just see how it goes.”
Rep. Greg Steuerwald (R-Danville) has been the House Ethics Committee Chair. He sidesteps any questions about a Bosma investigation.
“I don’t even know who’s on the committee this year,” Steuerwald says.
Four of last session’s six committee members left the General Assembly. New members haven’t been named.