Indiana ACLU Sues East Allen County Schools

The American Civil Liberties Union of Indiana filed a lawsuit today against East Allen County Schools alleging Leo Junior Senior. High School hampered the development of a Gay Straight Alliance club, or GSA.
The lawsuit filed on behalf of Leo Pride Alliance states school administrators insisted on the name Leo Pride Alliance, rather than GSA. PRIDE is the school’s acronym for “Professionalism, Respect, Integrity, Diligence and Excellence.”
The ACLU also says Leo Jr. Sr. High banned club members from using LGBT+ related words, such as gay, or GSA in club promotions, as well as required the faculty advisor to send a list of club members to all teachers. The 30 plus-member club was also allegedly not allowed to participate in fundraisers or meet outside of a single classroom outside of the school.
Indiana ACLU Legal Director Ken Falk said the actions of the school are, “in clear violation of the law.”
The ACLU wants a federal judge to require the district stop disseminating the names of club members and give the club the freedom to decide its name.
East Allen County Schools did not respond to interview requests.