Secured School Grants Approved For More Than 400 Schools

By Jeanie Lindsay, IPB News | Published on in Education, Government
(Lauren Chapman/IPB News)
(Lauren Chapman/IPB News)

The state has approved a new round of school safety grant funding for Indiana schools. The money will go to 429 schools through the state’s Secured School Safety Grant program. Last year 388 schools received funding through the program.

Lawmakers allocated more than $19 million for the fund earlier this year – a $5 million boost. Schools can use the money for school resource officers, threat assessments, and building upgrades. Lawmakers changed the program this year to let schools use funding for firearm training for teachers if their district allows educators access to guns.

The grants come with a matching requirement. The department estimates state funding and local matching grants through the program will provide more than $35 million for school safety projects in Indiana this year.

Contact Jeanie at [email protected] or follow her on Twitter at @jeanjeanielindz.


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