All SNAP Recipients To Receive Maximum Benefits

Many Hoosiers who receive Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, or SNAP, benefits will see a temporary increase in the amount they receive starting this month. The goal is to help families provide food during the coronavirus pandemic.
SNAP recipients will now receive the maximum amount of funds for their household size. Emily Weikert Bryant with the group Feeding Indiana’s Hungry says a second deposit will be made the same day regular funds are distributed.
“And so what we really want to make sure folks are aware of is that, you know, that is coming and it is intentional. It’s not an error,” Bryant says. “And it’s designed to help folks right now who are going to need that extra little boost.”
Guidance from the federal government under the Families First Coronavirus Response Act only allows states to increase SNAP benefits for two months, though that could be extended.
Families already receiving the maximum amount of benefits will not receive additional support. New applications approved in April will also receive the maximum benefits for their household size.