Delaware Co. Commissioners Approve COVID Funds Plan; Now The Council Needs To Vote

County commissioners in Delaware County have approved a plan on how to spend federal coronavirus relief dollars given by the American Rescue Plan. As IPR’s Stephanie Wiechmann reports, that plan now goes to the county council for more approvals.
The latest version of the county’s plan was not available on the Delaware County website by Monday afternoon. In a version written in early September, funds would go to the Delaware County Health Department for a new clinic space, to the Delaware County Fairgrounds to replace a ruptured sprinkler system, and to county buildings and emergency services for COVID-19-related expenses. A large chunk of the funding – more than $12 million – will go to sewer, water, and stormwater projects across the county.
John Brooks is the attorney for the Delaware County Commissioners. He says the plan could change – especially the blank line for revenue replacement – once it’s in front of the county council.
“The commissioners propose a plan. The commissioners have then made an appropriation request of the council. It’s the council that has to approve the appropriation to use the money for that plan. If the council doesn’t approve the appropriation, then the plan can’t go forward.”
The plan from early September also includes $1 million to help tourism-related businesses. One restaurant came to the Monday morning meeting to ask how it could apply for some. Commissioners say that portion of money will eventually be distributed by the Muncie Visitor’s Bureau.