Muncie mayor survives election challenge from city council president

Muncie Mayor Dan Ridenour secured a second term in office Tuesday night, though the race was close between him and Muncie City Council President Jeff Robinson. IPR’s Ransom True and Daniel Huber report on how the evening unfolded.
Ridenour’s reelection celebration came with a somber tone, as he had been sick since the early afternoon. Despite looking worse for wear, Ridenour addressed the crowd, anxiously awaiting final results.
“Since about one o’clock this afternoon, I think I have thrown up seven times….. But what I’m really excited about is I can now go another four years without calling in sick.”

Jeff Robinson (right) shares a quiet moment with Muncie City Council member Brandon Garrett at Democrat Party headquarters. (Photo: Daniel Huber)
It was a tight race. In the end, Jeff Robinson was behind by just under 500 votes. He says he is grateful for his supporters.
“Thank you to those who went to the polls today and voted for me. You know, we came very close against a first-term incumbent.”
Despite his loss, Robinson is proud of the Democrat party.
“I know the community is going to see these new council members perform with integrity and ethical leadership. The Democrat party has changed.”
Deputy Mayor Richard Ivy spoke in place of the incumbent mayor. When asked about re-proposing the GM property solar field, Ivy did not hesitate to respond.
“I absolutely think he’s going to revisit that.”
Ridenour’s second term in office begins January 1.
Other Mayoral Races
In mayor’s races across east central Indiana, most incumbents kept their seats. There are three exceptions.
In Marion, Republican Ronald Morrell, Jr. bested current mayor Jess Alumbaugh.
In Richmond, current mayor Dave Snow had three challengers – a Republican and two Independents. Republican Ron Oler was victorious in that race.
And in Portland, Republican Jeff Westlake defeated the current mayor in May’s primary and defeated another former two-term mayor Tuesday night to become the mayor-elect.
Stephanie Wiechmann contributed reporting to this story.
Ransom True and Daniel Huber are news fellows with Ball State Public Media’s Public Media Accelerator student fellowships.