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Ball State Update: President Geoff Mearns comments on state Senate Bill 202

By Stan Sollars, IPR News | Published on in Ball State, Education, Government, Law, Politics, Statewide News
Ball State University President Geoff Mearns (BSU photo)

Summer classes – many online – are underway now on the Ball State campus.  Students are pondering their subjects while administrators here and at all other state colleges and universities in Indiana are mulling over state Senate Bill 202 that “amends the duties of state educational institutions’ diversity committees.”  That brief introduction, courtesy of the General Assembly’s website introducing the measure, is the tip of the iceberg.

Ball State President Geoff Mearns returns this week for a Ball State Update to discuss 202 and what it could mean for Ball State.  You can hear the entire interview on the audio app, below:


Stan Sollars is IPR’s Morning Edition host and a senior lecturer in Ball State’s Department of Media.