Anderson City Council approves new voting districts after settling federal lawsuit

Anderson’s City Council has voted on a plan to draw new district lines for council districts. As IPR’s Thomas Ouellette reports, the move comes after the council was sued in federal court for not redistricting after the last US Census.
“Yes, ordinance 14-24 passed its third and final reading, awaits the signature of the president and the mayor,” said Councilman Lance Stephenson.
On Thursday night, council members unanimously passed proposed new maps for the council’s six districts within the city. That’s after tabling the measure a month ago.
The vote comes a year after two voters and three voting rights groups sued the council in federal court for failing to draw new maps before a redistricting deadline in 2022 – a violation of state and federal law.
Read More: Groups call for new elections, redrawn districts in Anderson redistricting lawsuit
To enact the revised districts, the council also needs to submit the document to a federal judge, as part of a settlement in that lawsuit.
Members of the council and their lawyer declined to answer any questions about the lawsuit or the timeline for the map’s new approval.
Thomas Ouellette is our reporter and producer. Contact him at [email protected].