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DATABASE: IREAD-3 results show third consecutive year of improvement for third grade reading skills

By IPB News | Published on in Education, Government
The whiteboard of an elementary school classroom lists the agenda for students along with magnets displaying currency and their values.
Black students saw the highest increase in literacy rates, with a 3.2 percentage point increase from last year's results. (Lauren Chapman/IPB News)

More than 67,000 Indiana third graders passed the state’s reading skills assessment. The 82.5 percent pass rate was an improvement of 0.6 percentage points over the previous school year’s results. The Indiana Department of Education said its the highest year over year increase since IREAD-3 was launched in 2013.

Black students saw the highest increase in literacy rates, with a 3.2 percentage point increase from last year’s results. Students in special education and students receiving free or reduced lunches saw increases as well.

IDOE said Hispanic students and English language learners both saw marginal decreases in literacy rates.

Indiana Secretary of Education Katie Jenner said in a statement the results represented positive momentum for Indiana students.

“Over the past three years, Indiana has made historic investments in ensuring educators and families have the tools and resources they need to best support our students, and today, we are seeing positive results from this all-hands-on-deck approach,” Jenner said. “Our collective hard work is paying off, yet there is still more to be done.”

The 2024 IREAD-3 results were the third year schools could opt-in to administering the assessment to second graders. Of the second graders who participated, 59 percent either passed the assessment or are on track to pass by the end of third grade. IDOE said nearly 97 percent of second grade students who were expected to pass from their 2023 results passed the assessment in 2024.

Find this year’s results for your school in our database.

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