Young voters gather at the Anderson Impact Center

Compared to other states, Indiana has among the lowest voter turnout in the country – including young voters. During this presidential election season, a local group in Anderson is trying to learn the best way to get young voters engaged and to the polls. IPR’s Thomas Ouellette reports.
Wura Olorunfemi is a 16-year-old senior at Anderson High School. She says voting isn’t a top priority when compared to the busy nature of her high school life.
“I mean, I’m worrying about college right now and getting in and wanting to get my medical degree. I have other things to worry about, unfortunately, and it’s not on my plate.”
Ella Alexander is a senior and a first-time voter. She believes low youth voter turnout can’t be narrowed down to a single cause like lack of interest.
“So many people just don’t have access to get to their polls. And I mean, that can be so true for high schoolers,” Alexander said, “I mean, I’m lucky enough to have my driver’s license and I have a car, so even if my parents didn’t care to vote, I could still get my way there.”
Both students expressed difficulty getting involved in politics at the local level. They feel like while their votes might be important, it’s hard for them to engage with members of a local government that doesn’t an attempt to engage with them back.
“I don’t even know what the mayor looks like,” Alexander said.
Event organizer Kellie Kelly, the founder of the Anderson Community Lens, believes the best way to get young voters involved is by continuing to bring them into the discussion.
“I think ultimately, just keep them talking, keep them talking about this topic, inviting them into that conversation, helping them find their voice,” Kelly said, “continuing to develop that voice is the part that community lens would like to play.”
The deadline for voter registration is October 7th. Early voting begins the next day. Election day is November 5th.
Thomas Ouellette is our reporter and producer. Contact him at [email protected]