Happy little accidents created in Molly Anne’s Art Studio

Bob Ross was a renowned painter and staple of the Muncie community. In Molly Anne’s Art Studio, his legacy isn’t going anywhere.
Molly Carver’s love of art dates back to the early 80s. Inspired by her mother who painted alongside Bob Ross, Carver was hooked after sneaking into a class to meet the artist.
Later, Carver decided to become a certified Bob Ross instructor. This came after she was given a gift card to Minnetrista– where Bob Ross painting classes were offered.
Not only did she want to share her passion with others, but she wanted to keep her mother close to her heart.
“I always think of my mom– she passed away. I think of her when I paint,” Carver explained. “I feel like I’m kind of carrying on her legacy and Bob’s legacy also.”
Decades of experience are just brushstrokes on Carver’s canvas. She believes anyone can create art just like her forerunners.
You don’t need any experience to paint like Bob Ross. In fact, all of the magic happens in Carver’s studio. The experience keeps painters of all skill levels coming back for more, even if the art doesn’t always turn out.
“It just turns out different than what you would think. I’ve got two other paintings, this will be my third. [Carver] does a heck of a job,” explained Julia Bell, someone attending a class.
In the words of Bob Ross: “Talent is a pursued interest. Anything that you’re willing to practice, you can do.”
If you want to paint just like Bob Ross and create a happy little accident of your own, go to Molly Anne’s art on Facebook.
Contact Sophie Schick with comments at [email protected].