LifeStream Services
LifeStream Services is a nonprofit organization that helps the aging and disabled populations of east central Indiana retain their independence by providing services that allow them to live in their own home. LifeStream offers a variety of services to individuals of all income levels.
LifeStream is always in need of volunteers and donors. They have many volunteer opportunities, and are able to match a volunteer with their interest and comfort level.
Community Connection sat down with LifeStream staff for our August episodes. We spoke with Ken Adkins, CEO; Jenny Hamilton, Vice President of Home & Community Based Services; Donna Penticuff, Director of Development; and Joy Winslow, Wellness Manager.
Community Connection: LifeStream Services, Episode 1 – Ken Adkins and Donna Penticuff
Community Connection: LifeStream Services, Episode 2 – Jenny Hamilton and Joy Winslow
Community Connection: LifeStream Services, Episode 3 – Joy Winslow
Community Connection: LifeStream Services, Episode 4 – Ken Adkins and Jenny Hamilton