CASA recruits, trains and supports volunteers to get to know abused or neglected children who have open court cases, and serve as the children’s advocate and voice in the court system. CASA volunteers determine what’s in the best interest of the child – uniquely, they consider the child’s wishes and opinion – and make recommendations to the court.
The CASA volunteer helps the child to understand what is going on in the case and provides a friendly face, support, stability, and consistency for the child during legal proceedings amidst a sea of unfamiliar people – including police, doctors, child welfare workers, and lawyers. By presenting the best interests of abused and neglected children to the court, advocates help judges to make better informed and more timely decisions about children so they can be returned home or placed in a safe and permanent home as quickly as possible.
In November Community Connection spoke with the staff and volunteers of three area CASA programs: Delaware County CASA, CASA of Grant County and East Central Indiana CASA, which serves Madison and Hancock counties.
Community Connection: CASA, Episode 1 – Annette Craycraft, Executive Director/CEO of ECI CASA, and Leslie Hendricks, Executive Director of CASA of Grant County
Community Connection: CASA, Episode 2 – Annette Craycraft, Executive Director/CEO of ECI CASA, and Jeff Hansard, Director of Delaware County CASA
Community Connection: CASA, Episode 3 – Darla Couch, Coordinator for Madison County, and JoAnn Flack, volunteer in Madison County
Community Connection: CASA, Episode 4 – Darla Couch, Coordinator for Madison County; Leslie Hendricks, Executive Director for Grant County; JoAnn Flack, volunteer in Madison County
Information to connect with your local CASA program:
CASA of Grant County
904 W. 3rd Street, Suite A
Marion, Indiana 46952
(765) 664-1891
Find them on Facebook
Delaware County CASA
3812 W Kilgore Avenue
Muncie, IN 47304
(765) 747-7875
Find them on Facebook
East Central Indiana CASA
800 Main Street, Suite 302
Anderson, IN 46017
(765) 649-7215
Find them on Facebook