Muncie Civic Theatre
Muncie Civic Theatre’s mission is to enrich the entire local community through theatre performance, education, and outreach.
In March, 1931, a new community group, Muncie Civic Theatre, was born when William H. Ball, E.B. Baltzy, Robert Poorman, Fredrick Rose, Col. Phillip Macabee, Harry Garceau, Cassius McCormick, Sumner Shimp, Joseph Meredith, Lawrence Smith, Mrs. Don Kennedy, Mrs. Leo Hanley, Mrs. Kenneth Spurgeon, and Mrs. Rodney Hayler signed the original Articles of Incorporation for what would become one of Muncie’s enduring cultural icons. They are now in their 84th Season that has proven to be their most successful in years while their home within this 133 year old building is continuing to get a face lift.
Community Connection: Muncie Civic Theatre, Episode 1
story by Zach Huffman
Community Connection: Muncie Civic Theatre, Episode 2
story by Zach Huffman