Community Connection

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Muncie Action Plan

Muncie Action Plan (MAP) promotes, supports, encourages, and assists in the development and enhancement of the quality of life in Muncie, Indiana.

The Muncie Action Plan is a strategic guide that expresses the values and aspirations of the Muncie community while creating a compelling action agenda for the future. More than 100 volunteers donated hundreds of hours of their time to ensure that the Plan was an open process representing all community demographics. The Plan includes long-term goals and measurable action steps which will accomplish a realistic vision and uphold the values identified by our community. The public has been involved every step of the way: first to generate ideas; next to articulate values; and finally to affirm goals and actions.

Community Connection: Muncie Action Plan, Episode 1
story by Michael Kuhn

Community Connection: Muncie Action Plan, Episode 2
story by Michael Kuhn

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Indiana Public Radio

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