Muncie Schools Receives Third Grant To Continue Dual Language Immersion Program

Muncie Community Schools is receiving a new state grant to continue a Spanish dual language immersion program at West View Elementary. IPR’s Stephanie Wiechmann reports.
The Indiana Department of Education is awarding a second round of grants for dual language programs this year. The agency says additional funding was available. West View Elementary School’s award is $20,000.
West View’s program began in the 2017-18 school year. This is the third state grant the district has received to continue the program. District officials say kindergarten students learn 80 percent of their lessons in Spanish. MCS has long-term plans to expand the program year-to-year as the inaugural class goes through elementary school.
Read More: Muncie Kindergarten Students Learn Both “Hello” And “Hola”
Additional funding for dual language programs is also going to 10 other schools. Most are Spanish, but one is in Mandarin Chinese and one South Bend school is beginning one in French.
In a statement, state schools superintendent Jennifer McCormick says learning diverse cultures and languages better prepares students “for the world in which we live.”