Three Muncie Police Officers Face Federal Charges For Excessive Force

Three Muncie police officers have been indicted on several federal counts relating to using excessive force against arrestees.
Officer Chase Winkle faces nine felony counts related to “depriving four arrestees of their rights to be free from excessive force” and writing false reports about several arrests. Officer Jeremy Gibson faces one similar count. Sergent Joseph Krejsa faces two counts for writing false reports related to two of Winkle’s arrests.
According to the indictments, arrestees suffered serious injuries and one was “knocked unconscious.”
At the time of the arrests, Winkle’s father, Joe Winkle, was police chief. Chase Winkle has also served at times as a public face of the force as a public information officer.
According to the city of Muncie, Winkle was placed on unpaid suspension last month at the recommendation of the police department and mayor. Gibson and Krejsa are now being placed on administrative leave.
The city says it cannot comment on the details of the investigation.
In December, when new police chief Nathan Sloan was appointed, he said the department needed to “mend some fences” with the community and would work on its accountability and credibility.