S02 E06 – Faith, Identity, and Life-Changing Chance Encounters
In the span of a life, you’ll interact with thousands of people but only a handful of those will impact you in such a way that changes your perspectives and ideologies forever.
On this episode, a young chaplain from a conservative, anti-LGBTQ background provides spiritual care to a dying woman whose wife sits at her bedside.
We also sit down with the storyteller to learn where he is now.
Join J.R. and Kelsey as they discuss Faith, Identity, and Life-Changing Chance Encounters.
• 20 Minutes Changed My Life: Will Grinstead’s story as told to Tom Steiner from Facing LGBTQ+ Pride in Muncie, Indiana. Performed by Jay Moorman.
Music Used in This Episode
• “Run Hound” by Cellophane Sam. Released under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) License. From the Free Music Archive.
• “Hymn for the 81%” by Daniel Deitrich. Used by special permission from the artist.
Original air date: Feb. 29, 2020